
Pay Your Sewer Bill Online

Bill Information

  1. The user fee is a flat rate of $60.00 per month per EDU which will be billed on a quarterly basis for both residential and commercial.
  2. Sewer bills are mailed out the first of the month following the quarter just ended. The billing months are January, April, July, and October. All payments are due by the 30th of that month. The bills must be paid by the 30th of that month in order to avoid a 5% penalty.
  3. In April each year, you will be reminded on your bill that you have the option of paying for the entire year. If you do so, at that time only, you will receive a 5% discount. For example: $60.00 x 12 = $720.00, minus 5% or $36.00 = $684.00 per EDU.
  4. You have the option of paying your sewer bill by way of automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account. We have forms available here at the Township Office. Payments can also be made by Visa and MasterCard or you can pay in person at the Township Building located at 1951 Green Avenue. We also have a sewer payment drop box for your convenience located near the front door at the police department entrance.
  5. Should your house be vacated for a period of more than thirty consecutive days, the property owner can seek a credit for treatment costs only. Written notification of the length of this vacancy must be made IN ADVANCE. A sewer vacancy form can be obtained from the sewer billing clerk at 322-6906, Ext. 210. A vacancy credit of $10.00 per month per EDU, which represents treatment costs only, will be granted if all criteria are met.
  6. The length of a vacancy credit shall be no more than six months. Upon the expiration of the six month period, if the property is still vacant, the property owner may apply for a new vacancy credit. An exemption will not be approved unless the applicant’s sewer account is current at the time of the request. The Township Office must be notified as soon as the property has been re-occupied. Failure to notify the Township of re-occupancy will subject such property owner to a fine equal to three times the last sewer rate issued.
  7. If a property owner should sell their property, the Old Lycoming Township Sewer Billing Clerk must be notified and the new home owner’s information be furnished along with the date of closing.

Overview of Old Lycoming Area Authorities Infustructure

Old Lycoming Township’s sanitary sewer system, which is owned by the Old Lycoming Area Authority and operated by the Township’s Sewer Department, currently provides service to 2218 properties. Old Lycoming sewer system is a 1 million gallon a day facility that receives and conveys wastewater generated from residential and commercial properties within the Township and a portion of Lycoming Township to the Williamsport Sanitary Authority’s West Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The Township’s sanitary sewer system is comprised of approximately 22 miles of 6-27 inch collector and interceptor pipes and approximately 630 manholes constructed with various materials and dimensions. The wastewater is collected and conveyed to an interceptor sewer. The interceptor sewer conveys the wastewater to the Flexer Court meter Station (final metering point within the Township), where it flows by gravity through the Newberry section of the City of Williamsport to the Williamsport Sanitary Authority’s West Wastewater treatment plant.

The sanitary sewer system is susceptible to a variety of problems. Depending on the wastewater flow characteristics, the surrounding soil conditions and quality of construction; over time deterioration of the sanitary sewer system may occur and the sanitary sewer system may suffer from clogging, scouring, corrosion and collapse. These conditions dramatically increase the potential for the “back-up” of wastewater into structures, the surcharge of wastewater from manholes and potentially cause sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE FURTHER DETERIORATION OF THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM AND THE POTENTIAL FOR THE ADVERSE AFFECTS, IT IS IMPERATIVE FOR THE TOWNSHIP TO EFFECTIVELY OPERATE AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE MAINTENANCE OF THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. If effective operation and adequate maintenance are provided, the sanitary sewer system will accomplish its primary function, collecting and conveying wastewater to the Township’s interceptor, while preventing SSO occurrences (sanitary sewer overflows) to Lycoming Creek and/or the West Branch of the Susquehanna River during wet weather events.

The Township’s elected/appointed officials and administrative staff’s goal is to provide wastewater collection and conveyance service to the Township’s residents in a manner that protects their health and safety and minimizes adverse impacts on the environment. To achieve this goal, the following guidelines have been established.

  1. Provide the necessary maintenance to preserve the integrity of the sanitary sewer system and quality of service
  2. Provide prompt response to sanitary sewer system related complaints followed by corrective action, if warranted.
  3. Respect for private ownership in the pursuit of sanitary sewer system maintenance work.
  4. Maintain good public relations with the Township’s citizens.

One of the most valuable activities that the Township can perform to maintain the sanitary sewer system in good repair and provide uninterrupted service, is the implementation of a sanitary sewer system inspection and investigation program, which is a form of preventative maintenance. Through the inspection and investigation program, those responsible for the sanitary sewer system operations have comprehensive information about the state of their sanitary sewer system. The findings of the various inspections and investigations provide important information to the Township Authority, who is responsible for making decisions about deficiencies in the sanitary sewer system.

The Township’s Sanitary Sewer System Inspection Program consists of visual and structural inspections. Visual inspections of the pump station and grease interceptors are conducted to determine their ability to operate properly. Structural inspections of manholes and pipelines are conducted to determine their structural condition.

The responsibility for inspections and investigations of the sanitary sewer lines is with the Township’s Sewer Department. The objective for frequent inspections and investigations of the Township’ Sanitary Sewer System is to:

  1. Ensure that the sanitary sewer system is in good working condition.
  2. Identify existing or potential problems in the sanitary sewer system.
  3. Pinpoint the location of problems.
  4. Evaluate the seriousness of problems.
  5. Provide accurate and meaningful information regarding problems so that they may be corrected.
  6. Correct problems within the sewer department’s scope of work.

Frequent inspections to ensure the proper functioning of the sanitary sewer system are also an effective way of establishing good public relations with the citizens of the Township. Hence, it is important that the Township Sewer Department continuously monitor the condition of the sanitary sewer system.